Büezer und KMU Partei

Eine Partei für Arbeiter und Familien!

COVID-19 Law voting

26. 11. 2021

The party has decided that it would vote abstain from giving a vote to the COVID-19 bill.

SVP's hypocrisy on mass surveillance: The SVP was a big supporter of the intelligence law passed by the Swiss people on Sep. 25, 2015, which gave the intelligence services completely new surveillance capabilities, such as undetected intrusion into other people's computers via state Trojans and the reading of email content, etc., which also increased cooperation with foreign intelligence services and limited Switzerland's sovereignty and democracy. The same party that introduced this mass surveillance law is now resisting another mass surveillance law, claiming that the expansion of the Covid certificate will lead to electronic mass surveillance because the so-called TTIQ (Testing, Tracing, Isolation, Quarantine) system can monitor every movement of citizens.

br% The SP's hypocrisy on mass surveillance: In 2015, the SP vehemently opposed the intelligence law, stating that it was an attack on citizens' privacy and that the potential for abuse was great, as the intelligence service had not missed an opportunity in recent years to present itself as incompetent, ignorant and lacking leadership. In the Corona pandemic, we saw how incompetent, ignorant, and lacking in leadership the federal government is when it left regional governments to deal with the crisis on their own. We saw how the federal government abused its power when it not only left working people, small and medium businesses alone with the crisis, but also enforced numerous unfair laws that made the lives of citizens more difficult. The same party that opposed the Intelligence Act now supports the "Covid-19 Act," which gives the federal government the power to mass monitor citizens' every move with systems like TTIQ (Testing, Tracing, Isolation, Quarantine). Citizen data can be misused as personal information such as "who we meet, where we travel, what we do" is stored in central databases in the event of a positive Corona case.

The two parties only worry about surveillance when it plays into their hands and stoke fear. They are inconsistent and don't really care about self-determination over one's body or the privacy of citizens.

Anti-Chinese propaganda Opponents of this bill are spreading false anti-Chinese propaganda by claiming that digital contact tracking with the TTIQ (Testing, Tracing, Isolation, Quarantine) system is similar to the Chinese social credit system. This is false, as there are three very different social credit systems in China that are still in the testing phase. They are not at all as they are portrayed in the Western media. These systems exist in China in different regions and not throughout the country. Opponents of the Covid 19 law claim it is like China's without presenting any evidence or explaining how it works in China. They themselves have no evidence or facts to argue.

Swiss citizens have already voted on the "COVID-19 law" On June 13, 2021, the Swiss people have already voted on the "COVID-19 Law" and approved it with more than 60% of the votes. But the opponents propose another referendum in only 5 months. This does not respect the free decision of the Swiss people and shows the people that their vote or decision does not count. It's just like in the UK with the Scottish referendum - they don't care if they lose. They will keep holding a referendum until they are satisfied.

This vote is not just about repealing the certificate requirement, it's about strengthening the government's ability to slow and stop an epidemic, and providing the necessary financial assistance to small businesses and working people

The "COVID-19 Act" gives the Federal Council additional authority to combat the coronavirus pandemic and, more importantly, to mitigate its negative impact on society and the economy. It includes measures that the Federal Council and Parliament have yet to apply to deal with the pandemic and the economic crisis. In particular, it regulates the various forms of financial support for individuals and companies. The most important of these are short-time work compensation, compensation for loss of income, aid in cases of hardship, and support for cultural and sports organizations.


SVP slogan on intelligence law:
Press Link!

SVP Pole on the COVID-19 Act:
Press Link!

SP Pole on the Intelligence Services Act:
Press Link!

SP Pole on the COVID-19 Act:
Press Link!

China's Social Credit System (SCS):
Press Link!

Neverendum of Scotland:
Press Link!

Autor: Proletariat Schweiz