Büezer und KMU Partei

Eine Partei für Arbeiter und Familien!

NO to compulsory vaccination cards!

31. 08. 2021

The PS had a long discussion on 28.08.21 about the compulsory vaccination cards and came to the conclusion that such a law would not only harm the companies but also the office-goers.

Originally, the lockdown was meant to keep hospitals from overcrowding. Vaccinations were originally meant to be taken by the old and fragile, not the young.

And yet now it's not about the old and fragile and hospital overcrowding.

The PS has several times already criticised the government's behaviour during the lockdown and afterwards in the short analysis "Lockdown Analysis & the Middle Way" by party leader Banyer.

But it is ridiculous that even now something is not being done about hospital overcrowding. A clear remedy would be to build more hospitals and train health workers. With this lockdown, we could even see the urgency of it. We don't need to divide the whole population into "vaccinated" and "non-vaccinated" because we simply need to get our healthcare system up to speed.

The PS is not against vaccination and neither is it against ID cards. If someone who is vaccinated/genetically ill wants an ID card, they should get it. But we are against denying some people access to buildings that were previously accessible.

This measure would deny access to customers and thus businesses would also make losses, as many non-vaccinated people, among others, would simply stay at home. Also, after our people have been in isolation for more than a year, it certainly does not benefit them psychologically if they are now excluded from public places.

Unlike a vote, we cannot simply overrule the minority "anti-vaccinationists" here. This is about the everyday lives of these people and we should pay attention to them.

For the vaccination companies, the coffers are already rattling because the whole nation has to be vaccinated every year, with more to come presumably. If vaccinations were no longer free, it would only open up the gap between rich and poor even more and we would almost be in a 19th century era when rich and poor were separated.

At the international level, Switzerland cannot, of course, decide over other countries and must negotiate accordingly with regard to vaccination cards.

Autor: Parteiführung