Büezer und KMU Partei

Eine Partei für Arbeiter und Familien!

Joint declaration: No cold-war!

19. 07. 2021

As a workers and family-business party, the PS sees itself in the tradition of standing against cold wars. The PS stands for the lifting of all embargoes and for trade with all countries.
Specifically with China, it has long been noticed how a conspiracy has been building up from the West against this country, and one is abruptly reminded of 1930, when a conspiracy was made here in Switzerland against the USSR. Relations with the USSR were cut and many supporters were arrested. Even parties that had a neutral position on the USSR but still opposed the Cold War were banned and newspapers were muzzled. Many democratic processes were stopped and the Federal Council acted together with fascist forces. (E.g. with the National Front).
Cold wars are bad for all sides and only harm the economy. We therefore want to prevent another Cold War at all costs and instead demand a strategy of consistent neutrality for foreign policy. A strategy that makes both parties happy with win-win projects and lets them profit from them. A strategy that takes into account the concerns of Switzerland as well as the concerns of foreign countries. Switzerland has danced to the tune of NATO for long enough.

The founding of NATO
To even begin to understand why NATO is so problematic, we need to delve into its history. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was founded on April 4, 1949. The members at that time were Belgium, Canada, Denmark (with, Greenland), France (with, the French territories in Algeria), United Kingdom (with, Malta), Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the USA.

As you can already see from the picture, the USSR was a big union and therefore a danger to the West. For this reason, the West united through the USA and was considered an opposition. Although Switzerland officially claimed to be neutral, it would have secretly been on the side of NATO in case of war. Press Link!
This opposition waged war against the USSR with manipulation and secret agents and continued to exist after the USSR much. This wonderful construct was involved in many events such as:

- Korean War 1950
- Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
- Operation Anchor Guard 1990
- Operation Ace Guard 1991
- Operation Allied Goodwill I & II 1992
- Operation Agile Genius 1992
- Operation Allied Force (NATO bombing of Yugoslavia) 1999
NATO Training Mission in Iraq 2004 %br - NATO Training Mission in Iraq 2004
- International military intervention in Libya 2011
- American intervention in Syria 2014
- War in Ukraine 2014

And many more which did not find a place on this list.
Today, NATO is playing a new role in the conflicts with Russia and China. For example, NATO is clearly on the side of Alexai Navalny and together with the Greens from Germany as well as Switzerland they stand firmly against the Nordstream oil pipeline. 2. Also in the case of Belarus, NATO had to say something to the neo-Nazi Protashevich, which obviously covered the interests of the USA 1:1. And as already mentioned above, NATO is often critical of China. Will we perhaps soon see a second "Operation Allied Force"? Let's hope not. But such an action would not be surprising from the Yank monster. Because the USA will take whatever it wants.

NATO's objectives are crystal clear: to lower the standard of living in the enemy country through sanctions, causing the population to lose hope in the government. Then support the government's opposition with "humanitarian aid" until there is a coup. The previous government is replaced by a pro-NATO government and the nationalised companies are privatised. Last but not least, the hostile country is made economically dependent on the West so that all the necessities of life have to be imported. This is the tactic the US & NATO have been using for ages and this is what we are fighting against. We want the sovereignty of these countries and their economic independence.
For these reasons, the PS, with the help of the CPUSA, signed the joint declaration of the IMCWP on 04.07.2021.
Official declaration:
Press Link!

Autor: Jason Banyer