Büezer und KMU Partei

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Hands off Cuba!

07. 06. 2021

After regime change failed in Venezuela, China, Russia, Belarus, Syria, Iran, Myanmar, Korea, Bolivia and many other countries, the Western Yank lapdogs had to find a new victim. This time, of course, it is Cuba. The media hyped the wave of protests after a music video of Cubans fleeing America, and of course every expert in the West has to give his two cents. The "poor" Cubans only want "freedom" and "democracy". Just as with Myanmar, however, this is not the case at all. Of course, Cuba is far from perfect, but it is better to be a thorn in the flesh because it is on the US's doorstep. Anyone who really believes that the Western world wants the "best" for Cuba should just take a look at the Niceragua Contra affair or ask the Chileans about the "liberation" by Augusto Pinochet. Although a minority has demonstrated in Cuba, there is still a majority in the country that supports Cuba and gives legitimacy to the state. The reason for the bad situation in Cuba is clearly due to the sanctions and the embargo. It doesn't really matter whether Cuba has socialism or capitalism: if you seal off a country to such an extent, it is automatically left to its own devices. The PS clearly sees the imperial, exploitative intentions behind these crocodile tears. (They want to keep the country as poor as possible and reduce living standards, as well as disempower trade unions and give complete power to big corporations). The sugar plantation owners want their land back and the West wants to make Cuba economically dependent. Those who want to see real change should campaign for the lifting of the embargo and sanctions. Decisively, we also defend the sovereignty of this country. Even if one wanted to, one would not be able to transfer money to a Cuban account even by bank. And if seafarers decide to sell in Cuba, they are not allowed to dock in the US for a few months. That makes it very unattractive. By the way, the PS has also published a video on the Batista dictatorship. You can find this in our "File: USA".

Autor: Jason Banyer