Büezer und KMU Partei

Eine Partei für Arbeiter und Familien!

Kita Initiative a win win situation

13. 06. 2022

We have been collecting signatures for the Kita Initiative every Saturday for a good three weeks.

We support the Kita-Initiative, because we believe this initiative will give parents more opportunities to develop in political, social and economic life. Through this initiative, parents will be much healthier and more flexible physically and mentally, therefore they will be able to perform better, which in turn will benefit SMEs. We also expect an increase in the birth rate, which would of course benefit the AHV.

It also raises the question of whose children will take care of us when we have to be cared for in an old people's home, which makes this initiative an obvious solution. Children are the future of Switzerland and are therefore considered worthy of support.

For our country, we need healthy, happy, working families, not exploited, depressed robots. Obviously, this is not about simply shoving children into crèches, but about helping those parents who cannot afford crèches and need one now and then.

This initiative creates a clear win-win situation, which is why we must support it.

So help us bring this initiative to the people by signing here: Press Link!

Or come to the next stand at the Pestalozzianlage, a place where the patriotic child lover and social revolutionary Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi is honoured.

Autor: Vorsitzender Jason Banyer